Josiah was different from day one. I know this is not gonna sit well with the anti-vaccination crew...but I am just being honest. This is our experience. There was no 180 degree transformation for our Jojo after a shot. Sometimes, I wish there was because at least there would be someone to point a finger toward. such tragedy. It would appear that his autism was "hard wired". The lottery had paid out and Josiah was the dreaded 1 out of 110. Some guys get all the luck, huh?
I remember telling our pediatrician that I literally had to wake Josiah to eat because he wouldn't do the usual "I'm a newborn so you better stick that milk in my mouth every 2 hours or there will be hell to pay" cry that our oldest daughter had down pat. When he did eat, he ALWAYS choked. Yes, I do mean every single time. It seemed like it took weeks...maybe even months for him to properly coordinate that sucking action. Pacifiers never interested him. Not that he didn't want them...he just couldn't seem to hold them in his mouth for very long. Floor time was not very profitable. He didn't really try hard to creep. He always preferred sitting up...or better yet, swinging in his swing for HOURS....he would rather sleep in the swing! Jo never crawled...he went from an awkward one handed, one footed pull-push right into walking....but he attempted it almost 6 weeks later than his big sister had mastered it and he mastered it at least 6 weeks after that. Jo never responded to his name. Jo would lay in his playpen for hours with toys and never touch them. Jo couldn't eat anything unless it was blended and put in a bottle up until he was over 2 years old. Jo never played with his sister or called her by name. Jo never called us Mommy or Daddy. Jo sat in a corner spinning bottle tops for toys. Jo was trapped in his own mind and needed us to figure out how to free him.
Now Josiah is 4 and will be 5 in May. The strides have been nothing short of phenomenal. It took developing the drive to learn how to teach Josiah "how to learn". And it took the ladies with the know how to make sure that we would not slack off! That is really what Dawn is about. Giving parents the power to effect their own change. Opening access to knowledge and then holding us accountable for that knowledge. Unless we get up off our Blessed Assurance and do the work, our babies have no chance. We can hire a new therapist for every challenge our child may have, but unless we back it up by knowing and doing the same if not more with our kids....well what is the point? THAT is the Dawn. Waking up and realizing, "It really is up to us...and by God's help, we WILL do it!" After that, the possibilities are endless.
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